Freebsd7.0 Apache2.2+MySQL5+PHP5安装和配置方法

    首先去 网站上下载apache2.2.8源码包
    #tar zxvf httpd-2.2.8.tar.gz
    得到 httpd-2.2.8文件夹
    #cd httpd-2.2.8
    #./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-so --enable-module=rewrite
    #make install
    #cd /usr/local/apache
    #cd bin
    # ./apachectl start
    httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for
    httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
    [Thu Apr 03 09:37:41 2008] [warn] (2)No such file or directory: Failed to enable the 'httpready' Accept Filter
    #vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
    产生(2)的原因是:FreeBSD 系统还提供了http filter,会自动过滤掉不完整的HTTP请求。
    首先去 网站上下载apache2.2.8源码包
    #tar zxvf httpd-2.2.8.tar.gz
    得到 httpd-2.2.8文件夹
    #cd httpd-2.2.8
    #./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-so --enable-module=rewrite
    #make install
    #cd /usr/local/apache
    #cd bin
    # ./apachectl start
    httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for
    httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
    [Thu Apr 03 09:37:41 2008] [warn] (2)No such file or directory: Failed to enable the 'httpready' Accept Filter
    #vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
    产生(2)的原因是:FreeBSD 系统还提供了http filter,会自动过滤掉不完整的HTTP请求。
     # chgrp -R mysql .         #设定mysql组能够访问/usr/local/mysql
    设置完成后,基本上就装好了,好了, 我们运行一下我们的mysql:
    # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
    # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
    [2] 7022
    # Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/var
    # ps -ef
    ps: Process environment requires procfs(5)
    1040 v0 Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0
    723 v1 Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv1
    724 v2 Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv2
    725 v3 Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv3
    726 v4 Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv4
    727 v5 Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv5
    728 v6 Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv6
    729 v7 Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv7
    7022 p0 S   0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql
    7038 p0 R+  0:00.00 ps -ef
    为了每次系统重启后都能运行mysql,可以写一个脚本放到 /etc/rc.d目录下,用来运行mysql,我们写一个脚本
    #! /bin/sh
    #tar zxvf php-5.2.5.tar.gz
    #cd php-5.2.5
    # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
    Sorry, I cannot run apxs. Possible reasons follow:
    1. Perl is not installed
    2. apxs was not found. Try to pass the path using --with-apxs2=/path/to/apxs
    3. Apache was not built using --enable-so (the apxs usage page is displayed)
    The output of /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs follows:
    ./configure: /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs: not found
    configure: error: Aborting
    #tar xzvf perl-5.10.0.tar.gz
    #sh Configure -de
    #make test
    #make install
    #./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-so --enable-module=rewrite
    #make install
    后重新configure php时出现如下错误:
    configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.
    #tar zxvf libxml2-2.6.31.tar.gz
    #cd libxm2-2.6.31
    #make install
    安装libxml2后,重新configure php 出现如个错误提示:
     configure: error: Please specify the install prefix of iconv with --with-iconv=<DIR>
    #tar zxvf libiconv-1.10.tar.gz
    #cd libiconv-1.10
    #make install
    注意:我开始的时候安装的 libiconv-1.11结果安装完成后,重起启动时出现问题(用户就是登录不去,不是是系统的bug还是软件的兼容性不好,后来用单用户进入,删除了/usr/local/下的libiconv相关文件才得以登录系统,从出现这个问题到解决这个问题花了我半天的时间,大家一定要记住这个教训)
    安装完libxml2后重新configure php
    这样再configure php时结果还提示错误,具体的信息忘记记下来了,大体的意思是说没有找到iconv和libiconv请reinstall iconv,这时候已经是晚上10点多了,我怒了,决定试一下ports安装iconv和libiconv.(这下子我是实在没有耐心了)
    #whereis iconv
    #cd iconvpath
    #make install clean
    执行上述命令时出/usr/ports/distfiles下没有找到文件,然后出现一个连接到ftp下载的信息,没办法我这个机器不能上外面,我只能用另一台机器上那个ftp上下载软件然后再放到/usr/ports/distfiles这里,重新make install clean 结果又提示缺少什么软件,我就这样一个一个的下载下来放到/usr/ports/distfiles里面
    本已经编译安装了perl 后来一想反正是要ports,就再ports一下这个perl吧
    再重新开始的信息configure PHP
     configure: error: Please specify the install prefix of iconv with --with-iconv=<DIR>
    #tar zxvf libiconv-1.10.tar.gz
    #cd libiconv-1.10
    #make install
    注意:我开始的时候安装的 libiconv-1.11结果安装完成后,重起启动时出现问题(用户就是登录不去,不是是系统的bug还是软件的兼容性不好,后来用单用户进入,删除了/usr/local/下的libiconv相关文件才得以登录系统,从出现这个问题到解决这个问题花了我半天的时间,大家一定要记住这个教训)
    安装完libxml2后重新configure php
    这样再configure php时结果还提示错误,具体的信息忘记记下来了,大体的意思是说没有找到iconv和libiconv请reinstall iconv,这时候已经是晚上10点多了,我怒了,决定试一下ports安装iconv和libiconv.(这下子我是实在没有耐心了)
    #whereis iconv
    #cd iconvpath
    #make install clean
    执行上述命令时出/usr/ports/distfiles下没有找到文件,然后出现一个连接到ftp下载的信息,没办法我这个机器不能上外面,我只能用另一台机器上那个ftp上下载软件然后再放到/usr/ports/distfiles这里,重新make install clean 结果又提示缺少什么软件,我就这样一个一个的下载下来放到/usr/ports/distfiles里面
    本已经编译安装了perl 后来一想反正是要ports,就再ports一下这个perl吧
    再重新开始的信息configure PHP
     configure: error: Please specify the install prefix of iconv with --with-iconv=<DIR>
    #tar zxvf libiconv-1.10.tar.gz
    #cd libiconv-1.10
    #make install
    注意:我开始的时候安装的 libiconv-1.11结果安装完成后,重起启动时出现问题(用户就是登录不去,不是是系统的bug还是软件的兼容性不好,后来用单用户进入,删除了/usr/local/下的libiconv相关文件才得以登录系统,从出现这个问题到解决这个问题花了我半天的时间,大家一定要记住这个教训)
    安装完libxml2后重新configure php
    这样再configure php时结果还提示错误,具体的信息忘记记下来了,大体的意思是说没有找到iconv和libiconv请reinstall iconv,这时候已经是晚上10点多了,我怒了,决定试一下ports安装iconv和libiconv.(这下子我是实在没有耐心了)
    #whereis iconv
    #cd iconvpath
    #make install clean
    执行上述命令时出/usr/ports/distfiles下没有找到文件,然后出现一个连接到ftp下载的信息,没办法我这个机器不能上外面,我只能用另一台机器上那个ftp上下载软件然后再放到/usr/ports/distfiles这里,重新make install clean 结果又提示缺少什么软件,我就这样一个一个的下载下来放到/usr/ports/distfiles里面
    本已经编译安装了perl 后来一想反正是要ports,就再ports一下这个perl吧
    再重新开始的信息configure PHP
    | License:                                      |
    | This software is subject to the PHP License, available in this  |
    | distribution in the file LICENSE. By continuing this installation |
    | process, you are bound by the terms of this license agreement.  |
    | If you d#loadModule php4_module modules/ not agree with the terms of this license, you must abort |
    | the installation process at this point.                  |
    Thank you for using PHP.
    #make test
    #make install
    #cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini
    # cd /usr/local/apache/conf
    # vi httpd.conf
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
    LoadModule php5_module modules/
    若存在loadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so请将此句注释掉因为我们安装的是php5
    <IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html