inter 千M网卡驱动安装和启用vlan.Polling抗拒绝服务

    #mkdir /usr/local/src/em
    #tar xvfz em-5.1.5.tar.gz
    #cd em-5.1.5
    # make
    #make install
    ee /boot/loader.conf
    cd /usr/local/src/em/em-5.1.5/src
    cp if_em* /usr/src/sys/dev/em
    cp Makefile.kernel /usr/src/sys/modules/em/Makefile
    修改/usr/src/sys/conf/files.i386 文件添加以下两行到文件
    dev/em/if_em.c optional em 
    dev/em/if_em_hw.c optional em 
    device em
    ifconfig em<interface_num> <IP_address> media 100baseTX mediaopt  full-duplex
       autoselect      -  Enables auto-negotiation for speed and duplex.
       10baseT/UTP     -  Sets speed to 10 Mbps. Use the ifconfig mediaopt 
                          option to select full-duplex mode.
       100baseTX       -  Sets speed to 100 Mbps. Use the ifconfig mediaopt
                          option to select full-duplex mode.
       1000baseTX      -  Sets speed to 1000 Mbps. In this case, the driver
                          supports only full-duplex mode.
       1000baseSX      -  Sets speed to 1000 Mbps. In this case, the driver
                          supports only full-duplex mode.
    ifconfig em<interface_num> <hostname or IP address> mtu 9000
    route get <destination_IP_address>
    #ifconfig <vlan_name> create
    ifconfig <vlan_name> <ip_address> netmask <subnet_mask> vlan  <vlan_id> vlandev 
    ifconfig vlan10 netmask vlan10 vlandev em0
    #ifconfig <vlan_name> destroy
    options DEVICE_POLLING
    options HZ=1000
    kern.polling.enable=1           打开polling模式
    kern.polling.burst                  每个时间片,系统在每个网卡可以抓的最多的包值,不可以改的值,根据其
    kern.polling.burst_max          每次取多少内存中的包默认150,是 一个参数,和内核里面的HZ相乘(HZ * 
    burst_max)就是每秒cpu极限可以抓的包量   默认HZ=1000
    kern.polling.each_burst         没搞懂用处,默认5 好像用处不大
    kern.polling.idle_poll=1          man 中推荐打开选项
    kern.polling.reg_frac             多久检测一次网卡错误 默认20
    kern.polling.user_frac=10      cpu预留给userland  tasks的量 默认50, 做防火墙推荐少留一点
    kern.polling.handlers              有多少网卡注册了polling服务  不用改
    在内核中为:options HZ=500   (我设置500,burst_max设置150,可保证我的服务器稳定和抗攻击能力比较好)